
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Christmas, headphones, baked-beaned porn students....and career changes

Well yet again its been an age since I updated...but never mind - moving right along.

I am doing OK right now, working tons of hours and having not enough time to myself - but its all goooood i guess. Getting the money in for christmas.

I love christmas.

Lots of glitter and food and drink - and presents. Love it! Its always a big deal for me. I sit down on christmas eve and read festive stories with the kids whilst scroffing mince pies. Rudolph gets his traditional carrot left for him whilst Santa gets his glass of milk and a mince pie (I trid to tell the kids that Santa likes Brandy - but they tell me every year how he cant drink and drive *rolls eyes*....*winks*)

The festive feeling is everywhere right now. I know that people get peeved when its in your face as you walk around the shops - a money making racket really - but I just love it. I could spend hours shopping for Xmas decorations and so forth. I adore white christmases too - although contrary to popular belief about England, we dont have many of them here.

I am ready to spend a fortune on the kids. I dont know why I do. My kids are like thousands of others across the country - they forget about thier prezzies almost the second after they have opened them. They are greatful kids though, I must admit - they never ask for much.

I really need to get me some headphones for my computer too. I was chatting to friends on Skype the other night (out of my face I may add - sorry girls *hangs head*). Anyway - they can all actually talk properly to each other because they have headphone thingys - but I had to type, which is not the easiest thing to do when you are drunk. Mind you, that in mind, it was probably a blessing that they couldnt hear me. Anyways, its great to actually hear the voices of people who live the other side of the world from you as though they were in the same room. These are girls I have known for such a long time now, so to hear thier voices was just great!

....and Micki i have no idea why i told you you sounded English! i read over our convo the next day. I was mortified!! A 'feeney worshipper.!!?? WTF?? I swear, you know those people who just get seriously annoying when they are drunk? Well thats me, for my sins.

I am currently supping some wine whilst having five minutes to myself. After a long working day, i came home, cooked tea...blah, blah, blah.....and then had to go late nigt shopping - ugh!!

I live in 'student-ville- you might say. My local supermarket is like a scene out of one of those low budget Brit flicks - ya know the kind - just full of kids who are in serious need of a hair-cut or who have no hair at all, all trudging around with various brands of baked beans and packets of pasta in thier shopping trollies - arguing over whether or not they can afford a 'big cheese' between them or whether to get a 'small cheese' because only a couple of them out of a shared house of 100 residents actually like it.

Desisions desisions.

Talking of desisions, I have made one about my career. I'd like to re-train as a primary school teacher. Today, I listened to my students discussing the details of a slice of pornography that one of them had on thier mobile phone. I mean as much as I have nothing against a bit of sexual exploration, I obviously have to draw the line at something like that when they were supposed to be getting on with a lesson in personal safety (which, incidently they dont need to ttend because they know all about it already...*sigh*) - but will they listen to me? My words of warning filter silently and pathetically into the air and fall upon deaf ears as they laugh it up in a place where most of them simply dont want to be anyway. I would never give up on the students I teach - I really like most of them - but teaching has to be easier than this, right?


In a primary school, I will get to make cakes.