
Friday, June 16, 2006

I'm moving house tomorrow...

Hey all

A more personal update this time. I'm moving house tomorrow - signalling the dissolution of my marriage once and for all. Needless to say, I am feeling just down right sad right now. I'm looking at the packed boxes surrounding me and am trying to equate the damage thats gonna be caused by yet another Dawn 'fuck-up' *rolls eyes* (yea...those who know me will know that fucking up is something I do consistantly *sigh*)

I still love my husband and will miss him very much, but this is something I just have to do. Jumping on the Star Wars train for a moment...I have to say that a while ago (when I first decided to leave) - the words of Obi Wan Kenobi in Episode II came to mind....and I added them to a pic of me and my husband on our wedding day....

Its a long story and I will not go into it here. Although this blog is about 'me' - there are some things only those closest to me need to know, so I wont be posting it on the net. All I have to say is that this is going to be one of the hardest things I have ever done.

I am so sad to leave my home - I have brought two of my children home here from the hospital when they were newborns...and raised them here ever since..

I will update here when I am in my new home...

Monday, June 12, 2006

ATTENTION ALL PEODOPHILES!! THE UK IS HEAVEN FOR YOU!! (warning - this entry may be distessing)

Sorry for thse of you (Micki) who were expecting a lighthearted blog entry next - but I just HAD to vent here on something that has upset me beyond comprehension tonight. I have been refelecting on the law 'against' child sex crime in this country - and have found that we may as well be saying this to all peodophiles (regarding the UK)....


To Peodos everywhere...

It great for y'all here you know!! Guess what!?! In the UK - you can kidnapp, torture, rape and destroy the life of a 3 year old child and get away with it!! You can even rape a 12 week old baby, take photos, stick them in a photo album and on the net - and get away with it too!! Its so great for you all here, isn't it? The law in this country is made to protect all you guys!

If you do get sent to prison - guess what? We'll put you in a special wing full of perverts - you will get your own TV; your own room; playstation etc - and will even allowed to chat to all the other child abusors about your crimes and your victims because they'll all be in there with ya! One big happy pervert family!

And here is the icing on the cake for ya - (you are gonna love this!). If you are in prison in this country - we will let you watch pornography and also let you watch childrens TV so you can get a daily dose of innocent children to jerk off over in your moments of solitude!! You know why? Because apparently we would be infringing upon your human rights if we didn't let you!!

Talking of human rights - here is another plus of UK law for all you freaks of human nature....when you get out of prison (you'll get out before your sentence is spent of course, because you'll be let out early on parole)- you will be given a home, a new identity and everything! All paid for by the tax-payor! No-one who lives near you will be allowed to know who you are because that would infringe upon your human rights too! Therefore, you are free to survey, kidnapp and abuse any child that takes your fancy!

In any case, I really wouldnt worry about going to prison or anything anyway - because like I said, the chances are that the Judge who sentences you will think that its OK to rape children and will likely send you home with a slap on your wrist, saying its not your fault due to problems with potty training when you were younger or something - so no worries!!

I mean really - could the UK be more accomadating for you?


OK OK....hopefully anyone reading this will likely have surmised that I am being sarcastic here.....but really....the UK law right now is just one big advertisement for the most evil scum that mankind has to offer to come and live here. There is just NO DETERRANT WHATSOEVER for peodophiles not to commit crimes here.

What has sparked my fury? A string of cases recently surrounding child abuse that could have been prevented if dickheads and perverts were not creating the law in this country. I wont go into detail - but just to outline one recent case I saw on the news tonight...

A pervert freak who was already convicted of abusing hildren was released early to a bail hostel. He was 'cured' apparently. Anyway - this now outstanding member of society - who no longer posed a threat to kids - then abducted a 3 year old child from her own home and took her back to the bail hostel where he lived. He then subjected this poor innocent baby to hours of violent sexual torture...and then threw her out of a moving car..

I am crying now as I am writing this...that poor childs is now scarred forvever...failed by a system that is geared around supporting her attacker instead of her. The bastard could be out in 6 fuckin years - free as he like to do it again.

You know what the probation service said? They said that there was no indication that this guy was going to commit this crime!!! ARE THEY FUCKIN STUPID??!!!!!!!! THE GUY WAS ALREADY A CONVICTED PEODOPHILE!!??? So how was he EVER NOT a threat?? Before or after he raped a kid??

In another recent case (mentioned before - about the 12 week old baby) - the perv got just 5 years (and then it was extended to 6 years...

In another case of the attempted rape of another 3 year old - her attacker got off completely - he walked free from court! The Judge said he believed the guy was just 'experimenting' and got carried away..

Another guy raped his own daughter hundreds of times over the years - from childhood - and got just 10 years..

I mean what is it with these Judges? (there are loads more cases I could highlight - but you've heard enough, right?). I tell you what it is...they are all fuckin perverts and peodos themselves, thats what!! I mean what decent human being would NOT lock someone like that up and throw the book at them? These bastard Judges are just as guilty of child rape as the pervs themselves IMO. It wouldnt surprise me if they read the details of the case and got off on them in thier chambers. Being too harsh am I? No fuckin way. Thats how it is - it must be! There is no other explanation.

They cant even say thier arms are tied by law - because as shit as the law is, so many of these evil bastards still get a hell of a lot less than what they should have or could have got.

Sentencing is just one side of things - all the things I mentioned at the beginning of this blog entry (in my 'message' to peopdos everywhere) just make it easier and easier for peodos to operate in the UK. I swear I do not know of any country that is worse. If anyone DOES know then please tell me because I am at a loss.

If someone is found with thousands of pics of child abuse on thier computor - they walk free!! Or at the very worst get only a few weeks - or community service or something shite like that!! Its fuckin evil madness!! I just feel so, so ashamed to be British right now. I really do.

Sometimes, you know what I wish I could do? I wish I could get these Human Rights fuckers....line them up one by one...and shoot them in the fuckin' head. And the second some perv looks at a pic of a kid....thinks of a kid....or touches a kid and gets off on it - then they should be shot in the head too (after thier piece has been cut off and fed to them, of course).

I soooooooooooooooooooooo wish the death penalty was brought back in this country - they deserve to die - and I would gladly watch and enjoy every second of it as they hung - I swear. Sometimes, I wish I lived in one of those countries (like some states in the US) that gave people the fuckin' chair for raping kids (some state still do do that, right? Maybe all my facts aren't straight on that side of things - but I think they do).

I am thinking of starting my own vigilante agency - wher people can hire me to wipe as many pervs off the face off the earth as I can. I'm sure that I would not be hard pressed to find hitmen to work for me. The government does nothing for abused some action needs to be taken now!!!


When is anybody going to realise that Peodophillic tendancies are NOT a part of or because of mental disorder?? The person is completely sane! It is simply a sexual preference! Thats all! Absolutely NOTHING in all the literature I have read will ever convince me otherwise.

I mean, for example, I am straight and Elton John is Gay....nothing in this life or the next is gonna make me stop fancying men - and nothing is gonna stop Elton John fancying men either! - exactly the same way no-one will EVER, EVER, EVER stop a peodo from fancying kids. Period. They are notorious for abusing again....and again.....and again!! They will NEVER STOP!! What does it fuckin take to get anyone to understand this???

The sooner these sick-minded 'do-gooders' realise that you can never ever rehabilitate a child sex offender - then and only then, will the world becaome a safer place.

*runs off to cry and pray for abused children everywhere and plot to start vigilante agency*